
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) Provides Equipment to Enhance Security at the Pogno and Tamong Border Posts in Togo

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) Provides Equipment to Enhance Security at the Pogno and Tamong Border Posts in Togo
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) Provides Equipment to Enhance Security at the Pogno and Tamong Border Posts in Togo

Photo: IOM Togo2024

Lomé, Togo – On July 12, 2024, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Togo, in close collaboration with the Ministry of Security and Civil Protection, German Embassy, and United States Embassy in Togo, handed over materials and equipment for the Pogno and Tamong border posts. This collaboration is part of the implementation of the projects “Strengthening border security and border community resilience in the Gulf of Guinea” and “Strengthening the Northern Borders of Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana and Togo” with the main objective of enhancing the operational, technical, and security capacities of agents at the various land borders, increasing citizen engagement, and promoting cross-border cooperation.   

The handover ceremony, which took place at the premises of the Ministry of Security and Civil Protection, was chaired by the Minister of Security, in the presence of the German Ambassador, representative of the United States Embassy, IOM Chief in Togo, the Director of Savanes region Emergency Programme (Programme d’urgence pour la région des Savanes), media, and representatives of the project’s implementing partners.   

For the occasion, the Minister of Security and Civil Protection, Col. Calixte Batossie Madjoulba said that Togo is confronted with threats as diverse as they are persistent, which require the attention of all instances and multi-sectoral efforts, “The logistical means are timely provided to our ministry to meet a real and pressing need. This provision is in line with initiatives implemented by the Government to strengthen the operational means of the security forces. Thanks to this equipment, we will be empowered to accomplish this mission with more efficiency and professionalism,” he declared.

Like other countries in the sub-region, Togo faces existing and emerging challenges in border security, including violent extremism, public health emergencies, and humanitarian crises. In response to these challenges, IOM proposes a holistic and integrated approach to border management with actions in five strategic areas, including the strengthening of border infrastructures and equipment, interconnected Migration Information and Data Analysis System (MIDAS), cross-border cooperation, humanitarian border management, and border community engagement.  

“Our aim is to ensure that all Togo’s land borders are equipped with the MIDAS system, in order to step up the fight against all forms of transnational crime and generate reliable data to inform government decisions. This is why we have set up these projects with the aim of strengthening the operational technical and security capabilities at the various borders, by increasing citizen commitment to fostering cross-border cooperation,” highlighted Fatou Ndiaye Diallo, IOM Chief of Mission in Togo.

The German Ambassador to Togo, Mr Claudius Fischbac, expressed his gratitude to IOM for the successful implementation of these projects. He emphasized that the handover of this equipment represents a significant advance in efforts to promote engagement and cooperation with border communities.

The Chargé d’Affaires of the USA Embassy in Togo, Mr Ronald Hawkins, also praised the work of IOM and stressed the importance of this initiative in strengthening relations with border communities.  

The projects “Strengthening Border Security and Border Community Resilience in the Gulf of Guinea” and “Strengthening the Northern Borders of Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana and Togo” are respectively funded by the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America.



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